Women's Mental Health

Thursday, 09 March 2023
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm (UK time)
    • Steve Heath, Co-founder & Director, MHIB

This powerful session looks at mental health through a female lens - focussing on prevention, early intervention and health promotion. Social and economic factors can put women at greater risk of poor mental health than men. Around one in five women have a common mental health disorder, such as depression and anxiety. While there can be many reasons why these develop, some specific risk factors affect many women, including life events including pregnancy and menopause. When women find it hard to talk about difficult feelings, they tend to internalise them. This can lead to certain common mental health disorders.

In this session, we will explore some of the specific risk factors and protective factors that can influence women’s mental health. Attendees will leave with some practical tools that will help support them to improve their mental health and wellbeing. This session is aimed at women - and at anyone who has women and girls that they care about, and live or work with.

By attending this presentation delegates should be able to:

  • Identify the early signs of mental ill health in women and girls (and themselves)
  • Understand the specific risk and protective factors that influence women’s mental health
  • Support women and girls to access appropriate help and support
  • Understand the barriers to women and girls accessing the support they need
  • Be a part of the conversation on women's mental health.


Steve Heath - Director & Co-founder, Mental Health in Business, Speaker, Wellbeing Coach & Breathwork Teacher

Steve is one of the co-founders of MHIB and his vision is to lead a global shift in mental health in the workplace. He is passionate about helping leaders, managers and organisations to lead the way with mental health & wellbeing in the workplace.

Steve has 10+ years of business ownership experience, having established, run, and sold a successful media production business. His focus is now on mental health in the workplace and in business. He has considerable experience working, volunteering and advising in this area as well as his own lived experience of poor mental health. He is an accredited mental health first aid trainer, wellbeing coach and committed teacher of breathing exercises that alleviate anxiety and depression.

Claire Russell - Claire has over 20 years of business ownership and corporate leadership experience, having established, run, sold and managed several businesses in the financial services sector. She is a professional speaker and has presented on a wide range of topics from business leadership and strategy to more personal inspirational and motivational talks drawing on her own life experience.

Claire's focus is now on mental health in the workplace and in business. She has considerable experience working, volunteering and advising in this area as well as her own very personal experience. She is an accredited mental health first aid trainer, TedX speaker and a committed listening volunteer with the Samaritans. Very few have the combined experience that Claire has - which she is determined to use to effect real change.

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