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Professional Standards and the Insurance Profession
Melissa Collett, CII Professional Standards Director, talks about the meaning of professionalism, ethics and duty of care in the context of insurance, and how to put professionalism into practice. She also explains the professional body's role in raising standards of professionalism across the insurance sector.
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Hacking Seminar
Hacking is a very real threat for businesses of all sizes: cybercrime is estimated to cost business more than £21bn a year. Professional hackers use seven steps, some of which terrorists use to get to know an organisation. Understanding these, training your staff on how they can be hacked, is the best way to defend yourself.
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Navigating the new BTL Mortgage Market
With the raft of changes to BTL, we summarise what they mean for an adviser, how to navigate through the wide range of different lender requirements and how other mortgage types like commercial could be increasing in demand because of this.
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Study & Exam Techniques
To be presented by Alison Cooper (FCII, Dip PFS, Chartered Insurance Practitioner) of ACT One Training Services. Alison is an independent training specialist with over 20 years experience in the insurance industry. She has an enthusiasm for delivering insurance subjects, both general insurance and financial planning, which is reflected in the successful pass rates achieved by many of her delegates sitting CII examinations. As a past CII Senior Examiner, Alison can share an invaluable insight into the best techniques for preparing and sitting the exams. This session is suitable for CII and PFS exams and will cover: how to study and prepare for the CII/PFS exams short cuts to effective study and revision how to think like a CII examiner common mistakes by candidates Coffee and pastries will be available at 9.00am with the hour long workshop commencing at 9.30 am.
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Cii Mixed Assessments
The focus for the CII General Insurance Diploma units. Key points to be covered: • CII study resources & Revisionmate; • Short cuts to effective study & revision; • Multiple choice questions & multiple response; • Coursework – what does it entail? • How course work differs from written exams. Alison Cooper FCII is an independent training specialist, with over 20 years experience within the insurance industry. Alison has an enthusiasm for delivering insurance subjects, which is reflected in the successful pass rates achieved by many of her delegates sitting the CII exams. This seminar is designed to focus on Mixed Assessment, the approach by the CII for Diploma units. With recent experience as a Marker, Alison will highlight key points to consider.
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Investigating Fires in White Goods
Mark Turner joined Hawkins (Forensic Investigators) in 2008. Since then he has investigated numerous fires, ranging from small domestic incidents to large multi-million pound losses. During his lecture Mark will discuss fires in white goods and how they are investigated.
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Investigating Fires in White Goods
Main learning points: 1. The causes of fires in white goods 2. Current white goods product safety notices 3. Recovery limitation period
View event detailsBusiness Interruption – Beyond the Basics
The economic impact of business interruption following an insured incident often outweighs the costs of the physical damage. And as businesses become more sophisticated in their sourcing arrangements and customers become more demanding, risk control measures including insurance cover come under close under scrutiny. The internet age has also introduced more complex business models, many not involving any physical locations, so the traditional models of cover may no longer be appropriate. This presentation will provide an overview of recent claims examples to illustrate some of the pitfalls that can arise in cover.
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For Better or For Worse: cases that changed our professional lives
This thought-provoking session will provide an insight into some of the more bizarre cases that have had an impact on the industry, from the curious case of the snail in the ginger beer bottle, through to cannibals in a boat and many more. It will focus on how these cases have thrown up the practical and ethical issues the law has grappled with and how ultimately this has impacted on the evolution of the insurance industry over the years. This is a must for anyone with an interest in the historical development of the insurance industry and how it adapts to judicial decisions.
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Root Cause Analysis and why firms, regulators and clients will be demanding more.
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem solving used for identifying the root causes of faults or problems arising in industry, commerce, professional firms and bodies, government and similar organisations. A factor is considered to be a ‘root cause’ if its removal from a problem-fault-sequence prevents the final undesirable outcome from recurring. This distinguishes it from a causal factor that may affect the event’s outcome but is not a root cause. Once identified, steps can be taken to prevent recurrence that would otherwise involve financial losses, wasteful expenditure and improve operational efficiency.
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Can you explain the large premium hikes to your client following the change in the Ogden table rates
The Ogden table changes will cost the UK insurance industry over £7 billion in a one off adjustment and in excess of £2 billion per annum thereafter. Rates will rise by between 10-20% on a lot of classes of business especially after the renewal of reinsurance treaties because reinsurance premiums are expected to double. It is essential brokers can explain the premium hikes to their clients and this presentation will enable them to achieve this, as well as providing them with client hand outs which include worked examples.
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Where do I begin? Researching, Structuring and Writing Coursework Assignments
This practical and interactive seminar is aimed at candidates studying towards CII qualifications that include a coursework element. With no tutor support and having to complete coursework assignments alongside a hectic professional life, this seminar teaches key study skills to help you get started with your assignments and ensure you write the best possible submission. We will look at research techniques, structure, how to influence the examiner through your writing, referencing and how to avoid plagiarism.
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Positive Psychology in Business
Positive psychology takes the latest science and research from the field of Psychology and Neuroscience and gives us practical tips and tools to engage teams and create more productive and creative workplaces. This session will introduce the topic of Positive Psychology and how it differs from traditional psychology and will introduce some tools and models we can use to help our people be at their best, getting the best out of them and helping businesses flourish. Outcomes -Learn the practical tips and tools for workplace engagement and productivity from Positive Psychology - Have the opportunity to try out Positive Psychology exercises and take away some practical tools - Inspire business leaders create high performing teams -Inspire individuals to be at their best and flourish in their work lives.
View event detailsAnnual Black tie Dinner
The Insurance Institute of Norwich Friday 29th September 2017 At the Assembly House Champagne Reception 6pm, Dinner 6.45pm, Carriages Midnight Dress Code Black Tie Tickets £65.00 Suzie Squirrell-Hughes, Insurance Institute of Norwich Secretary Tel: 07738 411820 Email:
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Exam techniques
Study & Exam Techniques Lecture Date: 21st September 2017 Lecture Time: 9:00 - 10.30 NEW Lecture venue: The King’s Centre, 63-75 King Street, Norwich, NR1 1PH We are pleased to announce another of our regular study support sessions to be held in September. To be presented by Alison Cooper (FCII, Dip PFS, Chartered Insurance Practitioner) of ACT One Training Services. Alison is an independent training specialist with over 20 years experience in the insurance industry. She has an enthusiasm for delivering insurance subjects, both general insurance and financial planning, which is reflected in the successful pass rates achieved by many of her delegates sitting CII examinations. As a past CII Senior Examiner, Alison can share an invaluable insight into the best techniques for preparing and sitting the exams. This session is suitable for CII and PFS exams and will cover: how to study and prepare for the CII/PFS exams short cuts to effective study and revision how to think like a CII examiner common mistakes by candidates Coffee and pastries will be available at 9.00am with the hour long workshop commencing at 9.30 am.
View event detailsCity Centre Walking Treasure Hunt (How Observant are you?)
Join us for our walking city centre treasure hunt. Starting at St Andrews Brew House and making your way back for a buffet at the end of the evening. Teams of 2-6 £10.00 per person.
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Psychology of Leadership
Based on Transactional Analysis developed by Psychologist Eric Berne, this keynote session gives detailed insight into how to use different influencing styles, leadership styles, engagement methods, communication channels, recognition of needs, motivational drivers to deliver change, motivate others and embed teams. 'This is the best course I have ever been on. I thoroughly encourage all managers & leaders to go on this course as I learnt more in one day than I have done in the last 20 years in management with how to deal with people. I cannot recommend how good Clayton was at his delivery and understanding’ - Stephen Proctor, Senior Manager
View event detailsDriverless Cars
The session will cover the Government backed consortia, look at the ongoing government consultation and how it may impact the regulatory timetable, and the wider implications of European restrictions / opportunities. Data will be a key area going forward and we will look at the issues in that regard, together with the wider work carried out by Thatcham and the ABI ADIG (Autonomous Driving Group). It will also look at the potential impact on insurance risks and products in a future of connected and autonomous vehicles, and speculate as to how quickly we will see these vehicles on UK roads. There will be a brief overview of the implications for the commercial vehicle space (it’s not just cars!) and particularly the UK haulage industry.
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Quiz 'n' Chips Night
This is a General Knowledge Quiz - teams of 4 to 8 people, competing for the Cathy Woodbine Trophy. Tickets are £10.00 to include a Chicken or Fish & Chip Supper - please bring your own condiments, drinks, cups & cutlery etc! A vegetarian option is also available. We will be holding our usual charity raffle in aid of the Insurance Charities and our local charity. All welcome Bring your friends and family!
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Insurance Institute of Norwich- Annual General Meeting
Annual General meeting to elect council officers for the presidential year 2017/2018
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